Testing Expertise

About Functional Testing

At Arpchan, we perform Functional Testing in line with the business requirements and objectives of your software application. It is a black box type of testing, where the complete integration of system is tested to evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements. We start with understanding your Business Requirements and give full-coverage to all end-to-end business scenarios. This helps in providing complete testing coverage across the application and discovers critical defects in your existing system.

Functional Testing
Key benefits of Functional Testing:

Finding Defects Early - Functional testing helps in identification of defects early in the development cycle.

Customer Focus - Helps to focus on customer use cases, while testing the application.

Simplify Integration - We test the components of the application/software first, integrate the components and then test the complete system as a whole. This provides the complete testing coverage across your application.

Saves Time - Our optimized test suite created using proven Test Case Design techniques, help us to give maximum testing coverage in less time. This reduces the testing cycle and thus helps in saving time.

Documentation - Defining the Test strategy and Test planning are done by our experts. Optimized test cases are written down by using the Test Case design techniques. The repository provides maximum test coverage and also can be re-used in Regression, Automation or any other type of testing.

Improves Quality - Our methodology, our proven expertise in test strategy, planning and test execution techniques and our efficient testing through the usage of best practices helps in improving the overall quality of the product.